A fourth-year law student at the Faculty of Law and Administration of Lazarski University in Warsaw, a four-time winner of the highest Rector’s scholarship for the best students and a recipient of the Dean’s diploma for special contributions to the Faculty of Law and Administration. He is a member of the AVION Interdepartmental Aviation Law Circle and a student representing Lazarski Aviation Academy. Speaker at national and international conferences. Author and co-author of scientific articles and chapters to monographs on aviation law and competition law.
His professional interests are in the aviation sector in the broadest sense, including the regulations of compensation for delayed or canceled flights, the regulations of aviation accidents, the regulations of the use and distribution of unmanned aircraft and the insurance sector in the aviation market.
In addition to aviation law, his professional interests include international and European competition law. He has a hobbyist interest in criminal law and white-collar crimes.
• Master’s degree, Law, Lazarski University in Warsaw (2020 – present)
• Volunteer at the Lazarski University Student Legal Clinic – criminal law section (2021, 2023 – present)
• Member of the Association “FONTES” and the interdepartmental aviation and space law circle “AVION” (2022 – present)
• Competition University (international, European and Polish competition law), ALLEN & OVERY Warsaw law firm (2023-2024)
• Case Academy by Deloitte (Labor and HR Law, Real Estate Law and M&A), Deloitte Legal (2023).
• Laureate of the XXV Warsaw ELSA Warsaw Rhetoric Contest and finalist of the XXV National Rhetoric Contest named after mec. Joanna Agacka – Indecka (2023);
• Team Leader – member of the Polish team at the finals of the International Air Law Competition – 15th Leiden-Sarin International Air Law Moot Court Competition Mexico City (2024).
• Intern at the State Commission for Investigation of Aviation Accidents (2023-2024)
• Intern in the litigation department of the law firm Resist Rezanko Sitek sp.p. (2023)
• Legal Assistant in the Law Office of the Ministry of Interior Advocate Prof. Małgorzata Sieradzka (2022-2024)
• Junior assistant attorney at the Law Firm Śmigielski & Partners Advocates sp.p.
• Assistant Notary Public at the Notary Office Małgorzata Rosman & Wanda Wojewoda Notaries civil partnership (2021-2022).
Speaker at Polish and international conferences:
• National Scientific Conference “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – Challenges and Experiences” – Lazarski University; lecture entitled: “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as one of the key elements used during the War in Ukraine (2024)
• National Scientific Conference “Competition Law and Protection of Exclusive Rights”. – Lazarski University, UOKiK, UPRP, PIRP; lecture entitled: EU case law. Short case study of an Anitrust law – based on the case: T-201/04 Microsoft Corp. V Commission of the European Communities (2023)
• International Scientific Conference – Forum of Young Scientists – section of administrative, constitutional and international law” – Volyn National University named after Lesa Ukrainka; lecture entitled: Liability of the air carrier for damage in the carriage of baggage (2023)
• National Scientific Conference “Protection of the rights of the victim in criminal proceedings”. – Lazarski University; lecture entitled: Protection of the rights of the victim in the course of pre-trial proceedings (2022)
• International Scientific Conference “Ecological safety, health and environmental protection in the realities of the 21st century”. – Military University of Technology in Warsaw; lecture entitled: Environmental protection in the system of aviation law. Analysis in the light of Polish and European law (2022).
• International Scientific Conference “Ecological safety, health and environmental protection in the realities of the 21st century”. – Military Academy of Technology in Warsaw; lecture entitled: Environmental protection in the system of aviation law. Analysis in the light of Polish and European law (2022).
• National Scientific Conference “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – Challenges and Experiences” – Lazarski University; lecture entitled: Drones and EU Law – Framework of new EU law for drones (2022).
• Walak M, Vesin J, Odpowiedzialność Influencera [w:] M. Sieradzka (red.), Aspekty prawne reklamy w social mediach, Warszawa 2023.
• Walak M, Grochal N, Treści komercyjne a treści o charakterze niekomercyjnym [w:] M. Sieradzka (red.), Aspekty prawne reklamy w social mediach, Warszawa 2023.
• Walak. M, Znacznie ubezpieczeń lotniczych w czasach pandemii oraz zagrożenia terroryzmem i wojną – wybrane aspekty prawne [w:] E. Jasiuk, A. Chochowska (red.), Budowanie poczucia bezpieczeństwa w czasach pandemii oraz zagrożenia terroryzmem i wojną, Warszawa 2023.
• Walak M, Maszkiewicz A, Pomoc publiczna w czasie kryzysu wywołanego Pandemią Covid-19 w lotnictwie cywilnym – zagadnienia prawne i ekonomiczne [w:] E. Jasiuk, A. Chochowska (red.), Budowanie poczucia bezpieczeństwa w czasach pandemii oraz zagrożenia terroryzmem i wojną, Warszawa 2023.
• Zawisza. M, Walak. M, Procedura zawieszenia poboru podatku akcyzowego. Glosa do wyroku Trybunału Sprawiedliwości z dnia 24 marca 2022 r. w sprawie C-711/20 TanQuid Polska Sp. z o. o. przeciwko Generální ředitelství cel, “Veritas Iuris” 2021, nr 1 vol. 4.