Favorable judgment for Jabłoński Kozminski Law Firm’s client in the case of the municipal register of monuments

We are pleased to announce a favorable verdict by the Provincial Administrative Court in Olsztyn for the client of Jabłoński Koźmiński Law Firm…

Government draft amendments to the Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and related rights and certain other acts

In February this year, a draft amendment to the Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and related rights and certain other acts…

Construction law in 2024: Overview and summary of key changes

The year 2024 brought several changes in construction law. The legislator is slowly introducing us to the digital world, abandoning paper documentation in…

ByJoanna Fedorczyk19 September 2024

Striving to improve living and working conditions in the european union, some remarks about the minimum wages act

We are in the middle of the process of working on the governmental draft of the Minimum Wages Act (hereinafter referred to as…

ByJoanna Fedorczyk3 May 2024

Another attempt to adopt comprehensive regulation regarding whistleblower protection. Will this one turn out to be effective?

The Polish legal system is lacking one highly anticipated regulation, namely one concerning the protection of the so-called whistleblowers, i.e. people reporting violations…