We are pleased to announce that, once again, Jabloński Kozminski & Partners law firm is financially supporting the organization of a scientific-integration zero-day camp for newly admitted law students of the WPiA and MISH, which will be held in Poronin, from August 19 to 27, 2023.
The Scientific Circles Utriusque Iuris (UW’s WPiA) and TI ESTIN ALETHEIA (UJ’s WPiA) continue the tradition of organizing zero-point camps for first-year students, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year!
Among the guests invited to the camp will be lecturers from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw, Managing Partners of the law firm Jabłoński Koźmiński and Partners: dr. hab. Krzysztof Kozminski and Dr. Michal Jablonski, as well as Ph. Jan Rudnicki.
See you there!