We encourage you to read the commentary by Dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński, Prof. UW, Managing Partner at Jabłoński Koźmiński i Wspólnicy, on the reform of postgraduate studies, which was published yesterday in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna in the article “Higher Level of Postgraduate Studies. Courses to be Certified” by Katarzyna Wójcik.
Postgraduate Studies: Only Certified Institutions with Proper Accreditation
According to the announcement by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, postgraduate studies that grant any qualifications will only be able to be conducted by universities that offer first-cycle studies in the relevant discipline. Additionally, these courses must be certified by the Polish Accreditation Committee.
Expert Opinion: Reform of Postgraduate Studies Regulations Should Be a Last Resort
According to our expert, an experienced academic lecturer and educator, and the Partner responsible for the Higher Education and Science Law practice area, Dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński, Prof. UW, effective reform of postgraduate studies would require strengthening, or even restructuring, the Polish Accreditation Committee. He believes that reforming the regulations should be a last resort, as legislative or institutional changes alone will not eliminate the root cause of the problem.