Do you have your PESEL number restricted? Check what has changed since June 1, 2024
In November 2023, the Ministry of Digital Affairs (“MDA”) introduced the RESTRICT PESEL service. The lawmakers decided to create a register of restricted PESEL numbers to introduce an appropriate instrument preventing the increasing number of abuses involving incurring financial liabilities (e.g. loans, credits) based on stolen data. According to data published on MDA’s website, the service is very popular as 4 million people have restricted their PESEL number.[1] Restricting the PESEL number is free and voluntary. It can be restricted in the mObywatel app, on the website, or at the Municipal or Communal Office. Importantly, the restriction can be canceled at any time.
What has changed from June 1, 2024?
PESEL numbers, e.g. before granting a loan, or credit, creating a new bank account, or withdrawing an amount exceeding triple the minimum wage at a branch of a bank. Notably, notaries are also obliged to check whether persons performing legal acts have their PESEL restricted.
According to Article 85a of the Notaries Law Act of February 14, 1991[2]:
Ҥ1. A notary refuses to perform a notarial act the subject of which is:
- Acquisition, sale, or encumbrance of a real estate, or an interest in real estate, perpetual usufruct, cooperative right of ownership of living accommodation or interest therein,
- Preparing a power of attorney to purchase, sell, or encumber real estate or an interest in a real estate, perpetual usufruct right, cooperative right of ownership of living accommodation or interest therein,
-if a party or principal is a natural person whose PESEL number is restricted in the register of restricted PESEL numbers either/or in the event of unavailability to access the IT system in which the register of restricted PESEL numbers is kept, referred to in Article 23c Section 5 of the Population Act of September 24, 2010.
§2. Before performing a notarial act other than that indicated in §1, a notary may, in a manner referred to in Article 23j or Article 23m of the Population Register Act of September 24, 2010, verify whether the PESEL number is reserved, and refuse to perform this action if the PESEL number of at least of one of the persons participating in the action is reserved in the register of restricted PESEL numbers.
It should be therefore remembered that before using banking products and services and before participating in notarial acts, one should withdraw the restriction of PESEL number.
Notably, the regulations in force from June 1 require telecommunications service providers to check the register of restricted PESEL numbers before issuing a copy of a SIM card.
Withdrawal of PESEL restriction
Withdrawal of the PESEL number restriction can be done in two ways:
- indefinitely,
- with an automatic re-restriction date.
Importantly, 30 minutes must pass after withdrawing the restriction of the PESEL number before it can be blocked again.
When will your PESEL be automatically restricted?
The PESEL number will be automatically restricted in case of a loss of the ID card in the manner specified in Article 47 of the Identity Cards Act of August 6, 2010,[3] or in case of reporting suspicious or unauthorized use of personal data in the manner referred to in Article 48a of this Act.[4]
New obligations for banks in PESEL verification – an effective step in the fight against loan fraud?
Imposing an obligation on banks and credit institutions to check the register of restricted PESEL numbers is a step in the right direction.
Unfortunately, loan fraud is a common phenomenon. According to the infoDOK Document Report—the First Quarter of 2024, a record-high number of 3,068 loan fraud attempts was reported in the first quarter of 2024. Moreover, the total amount of money from loan fraud attempts in the first quarter of 2024 was 82,9 million PLN.[5].
According to Jabłoński Koźmiński & Partners Law Firm, time will tell whether the changes introduced will reduce the number of loan frauds and contribute to reducing the number of loan fraud attempts. Nevertheless, the solutions adopted in the regulations guarantee a higher level of security—compared to the current status quo, by protecting private persons from negative financial consequences related to identity theft.
Should you have any questions or doubts regarding the issue discussed, feel free to contact us.
[1] Dz. U. z 2022 r. pos. 1799 z późn. zm.
[3] Art. 47 ust. 1 ustawy z dnia 6 sierpnia 2010 r. o dowodach osobistych: Posiadacz dowodu osobistego, którego dowód został utracony lub uszkodzony, zgłasza ten fakt niezwłocznie osobiście w organie dowolnej gminy, a posiadacz dowodu osobistego przebywający poza terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej – dowolnemu konsulowi Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, na piśmie utrwalonym w postaci papierowej, opatrzonym własnoręcznym czytelnym podpisem
[4] Art. 48a ust.1 ustawy z dnia 6 sierpnia 2010 r. o dowodach osobistych: Posiadacz dowodu osobistego, w przypadku podejrzenia nieuprawnionego wykorzystania jego danych osobowych, może zgłosić osobiście ten fakt organowi dowolnej gminy w celu unieważnienia posiadanego dowodu osobistego
[5] Raport o dokumentach infoDOK – I kwartał 2024, str. 8, (dostęp online: 03.07.2024 r.)