“Law on higher education and science for students and doctoral students – practical commentary”. – the latest publication edited by. Wojciech Kielbasinski and co-authored with Dr. Krzysztof Koźmiński

Wojciech Kiełbasiński

We are proud to announce the publication of a book from the Commentaries & Case Law Line series of C.H.Beck Publishing, entitled “The Case of the C.H.Beck Publishing Company”. “Law on Higher Education and Science for Students and Doctoral Students – Practical Commentary” edited by r.pr. Wojciech Kielbasinski – Of Counsel of the Law Firm Jabłoński Koźmiński i Wspólnicy, and at the same time Practice Leader: Sports Law and Law on Higher Education and Science, and co-authored by. Ph.D. Krzysztof Koźmiński – Managing Partner of Jabłoński Kozminski Law Firm.

The publication is a commentary on selected provisions of the Law of 20.7.2018. – Law on Higher Education and Science (i.e., Journal of Laws 2023, item 742, as amended), relating to practical problems of law application.

The list of issues discussed in the publication is based on an analysis of legal issues that have been reported in recent years to the Ombudsman for Students’ Rights of the Parliament of Students of the Republic of Poland and the Ombudsman for Doctoral Students of the National Representation of Doctoral Students.

The book can be purchased here: https://www.ksiegarnia.beck.pl/22005-prawo-o-szkolnictwie-wyzszym-i-nauce-dla-studenta-i-doktoranta-komentarz-praktyczny-wojciech-kielbasinski


Wojciech Kiełbasiński
Attorney-at-law, Of Counsel+48 22 416 60 04wojciech.kielbasinski@jklaw.pl
dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński
Attorney-at-law, Managing partner+48 602 359 329krzysztof.kozminski@jklaw.pl

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