Author: dr Michał Jabłoński

dr Michał Jabłoński

Jabłoński Koźmiński & Partners as a sponsor of induction camps for newly admitted law students

dr Michał Jabłoński

Favourable judgment from the District court in Łódź for a client of Jabłoński Koźmiński & Partners

dr Michał Jabłoński

Current Legal Challenges Related to the Application of AI in the Polish Banking Sector – Presentation of the Report Developed within PAB-WIB

dr Michał Jabłoński

State Obligations Towards Caregivers of Persons with Disabilities in Light of Economic Analysis of Law – Dr Michał Jabłoński Co-Author of Monograph on the Model of Benefits for Caregivers of Persons with Disabilities

dr Michał Jabłoński

We have established a partnership with the renowned Belgian law firm

dr Michał Jabłoński

Favorable judgment for Jabłoński Kozminski Law Firm’s client in the case of the municipal register of monuments

dr Michał Jabłoński

Regulatory Impact Assessment. Miscellanea – which is the latest publication authored by the firm’s Managing Partners

dr Michał Jabłoński

The latest volume of Studia Iuridica titled “Good law-making in Poland: problems and challenges” by the Managing Partners of Jabłoński Koźmiński & Partners Law Firm

dr Michał Jabłoński

Coming soon is the International Conference entitled. Directions of judicial reforms in social bills of the Association of Polish Judges Iustitia with participation of Dr. Michał Jabłoński