The publication „Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce dla studenta i doktoranta – komentarz praktyczny” [ENG: “Law on Higher Education and Science for Students and Doctoral students –Practical Commentary”] is available for free as a part of C.H. Beck open access

Wojciech Kiełbasiński

It is with great pleasure that we inform that the publication titled: “Law on Higher Education and Science for Students and Doctoral students –Practical Commentary” [PL: „Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce dla studenta i doktoranta – komentarz praktyczny”] edited by Wojciech Kiełbasiński—Of Counsel at Jabłoński Koźmiński & Partners, Leader of the Law on higher education & science and Sports Law practice, who is also the Doctoral Students’ Ombudsman of the National Representation of Doctoral Students, and co-authored by dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński, prof. UW – Managing Partner of Jabłoński Koźmiński is now available for free through C.H. Beck open access!

This publication is essential for students, doctoral students, academic staff, and all dealing with the Law on Higher Education. The commentary provides a practical analysis of selected provisions of the Law on Higher Education and Science Act of July 20, 2018, providing valuable tips and practical cases on issues such as:

  • conducting the course of studies,
  • rights and responsibilities of students and doctoral students,
  • activities of student and doctoral student governments,
  • disciplinary responsibility,
  • recognition of diplomas and Industrial PhD programs.

The publication was created based on the authors’ practical experience gathered over many years and the cooperation with the Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland and the Polish National Association of Doctoral Candidates. It provides comprehensive support for all those dealing with the Law on Higher Education. 

The publication can be accessed here.

The printed version is available here.


dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński
Attorney-at-law, Managing partner+48 602 359
Wojciech Kiełbasiński
Attorney-at-law, Of Counsel+48 22 416 60

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