The Second All-Poland Conference of Doctoral Schools is taking place at the Warsaw University of Technology on 21-22 March 2024. Yesterday, during the first day dedicated to the event, representatives of universities, institutes and other units in Poland running doctoral schools discussed issues related to the functioning of doctoral schools in Poland.
Today, during the plenary session, the main topic of which will be supervisor care, the Advocate of the National Representation of Doctoral Students – r.c. Wojciech Kiełbasiński – Of Counsel of the Law Firm Jabłoński Koźmiński i Wspólnicy, and at the same time Practice Leader, will speak: Sports Law and Law on Higher Education and Science, who will refer to:
- the activity of the KRD Ombudsman for doctoral students,
- cooperation with doctoral student self-governments and university ombudsmen,
- intellectual property law issues in the context of cooperation with a supervisor,
- counteracting the use of psychological violence against doctoral students, as well as
- activities aimed at increasing the legal awareness of doctoral students.
Plenary session 5 – Supervising supervisors
Date: 22 March 2024 (Friday)
Time: 11:30-13:00
Venue of the session: Rector Street 4, 1st floor auditorium