We encourage you to read the article entitled “Parytet płci we władzach spółek to słuszna droga do ograniczenia nierówności” [ENG: “Gender parity in corporate governance is the right way to reduce inequality”], which was published in the Dziennik Rzeczpospolita Magazine as part of the Lawyers’ Panel series, in which the Managing Partner of Jabłoński Koźmiński & Partners Law Firm – dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński, prof. UW and other experts assessed proposals to introduce gender parity in the governance of public companies.
The topic arouses many emotions, especially in the context of Directive (EU) 2022/2381 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 November 2022, which aims to ensure gender balance in the boards of public companies in the European Union.
What will you find in the article?
- The discussion of the key assumptions of the draft amendment to the Act prepared by the Ministry of Justice.
- The discussion on the need for neutral and transparent selection rules for management and supervisory boards of listed companies.
- Analysis of the impact of planned regulations on the labor market and the functioning of public companies.
57% of the experts of the Lawyers’ Panel took the initiative’s side, considering it a step in the right direction, leading to reducing inequalities between women and men in recruitment processes. However, opinions are divided – others emphasize the challenges related to the practical application of the new regulations, including the possibility of using exceptions from the principles of gender equality.
We invite you to read the full article, which you can find at the link.