New rules concerning transporting dogs to the USA from August 1, 2024—what do you need to know?

dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński, prof. UW

As of August 1, 2024, new rules apply to the transportation of dogs into the United States. The changes concern air transportation on both commercial and charter flights. What steps should be taken to transport a dog to the USA by plane and what are the obligations associated with transporting a dog by air? Enjoy your reading!

General rules for transporting dogs by air

Traveling with a dog by airplane requires respecting strict procedures and numerous restrictions. Typically, smaller dogs travel in the cabin alongside their owners. The situation becomes more complicated when the dog, due to its specific characteristics (e.g. breed, size, weight, etc.) does not qualify for in-cabin transport, but only for transport in a carrier in the luggage compartment.

Each airline has its conditions for transporting dogs, which depend on the size, weight, and sometimes even the breed of a dog. As a rule: in the case of smaller dogs, it is allowed to take them into the cabin to travel with their owners. In such cases, small dogs usually travel in special dog bags of specific shapes and sizes. Depending on the carrier’s policy, the specifications of these bags may slightly vary. Generally, carriers assume that the weight of such a bag/container together with the dog cannot exceed 8 kg.[1]

However, if the bag/container with the animal exceeds 8 kg, then the dog can only travel using a carrier in the luggage compartment. Then such a dog is treated as checked baggage.[2] The animal should have:

  • valid veterinary health certificates (clinical check-ups, deworming, tick removal), considering the regulations of the country of departure, destination, and transit ports (issued up to 48 hours before departure).
  • a microchip implanted,
  • a special passport (issued by a veterinarian) with a microchip number,
  • valid vaccination booklet (against rabies) and
  • properly selected transporter.

In the case of a dog traveling in the cabin, the animal must remain in the carrier or a special bag during the entire flight. During take-off and landing and in the event of turbulence, the bag/ container together with the animal be under the passenger seat in front of the dog owner’s seat.

Obrazek nr 1 i 2. Od lewej strony: podróż psa przy pomocy cargo, podróż psa przy użyciu torby/pojemnika w kabinie pasażerskiej.
Źródło: obrazek nr 1 – Kiedy można zabrać zwierzę do samolotu ( [dostęp: 25.06.2024 r.],
obrazek nr 2 – Przewóz zwierząt w luku bagażowym jako cargo | [dostęp: 25.06.2024 r.].

Moreover, current provisions of generally applicable law do not regulate the transport of animals by air. The lawmaker left carriers free to determine their transport policies. Airlines often refer to the LAR (Live Animals Regulations) guidelines issued by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in their internal procedures (including transport regulations).[1] According to them, the air carrier is responsible for the welfare and safe transport, including loading and securing animals in the luggage compartment and delivering them to their destination.

Transporting a dog to the USA from August 1, 2024

Due to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) regulations, starting from August 1, 2024, both carriers and animal owners are obliged to apply new rules regarding the transport of dogs to the United States.[1] The CDC’s rationale for these changes is the need to protect American families, communities, and pets from the comeback of canine rabies to the United States, being a public health priority.[2]

Obligations of the owner regarding the transportation of the dog by air to the USA from August 1, 2024

Dog owners who want to travel with their pets using air transportation are obliged to take specific steps to make such transport possible. As the CDC points out on its website, “It all depends on where the dog was in the 6 months before the planned flight.”[1]

Notably, with the changes introduced, the CDC has simplified the procedures for dogs arriving from rabies-free or low-risk countries, including among others: the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Great Britain (including England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland), and Greece.[2] Therefore, in the case of dogs that have stayed only in rabies-free or low-risk countries for the last 6 months, the only form that the dog owner is obliged to complete is the CDC dog import form (hereinafter referred to as the “Transport Form”).

Obrazek nr 3. Fragment Formularza Transportowego[8]
Źródło: Animal Importation Form ( [dostęp: 31.07.2024 r.]

In addition to having a receipt for the Transport Form when entering the United States, a dog must:

  • look healthy,
  • be at least 6 months old at the time of entry or return to the US,
  • have a microchip that can be detected by a universal scanner to identify it.

However, if the dog has stayed in countries such as Belarus, Colombia, Peru, Qatar, Russia, Turkey, or Ukraine (so-called high-risk countries) in the last 6 months, then its entry into the USA depends on meeting strict requirements.[1]

In the first case, the owner of the dog is obliged to have the following upon arrival in the USA:

  • receipt of the Transport Form and
  • a rabies vaccination certificate issued in the USA or an export health certificate approved by the USDA (US Department of Agriculture).

As in the case of low-risk countries, when entering the United States, a dog must:

  • look healthy
  • be at least 6 months old at the time of entry or return to the US
  • have a microchip that can be detected by a universal scanner to identify it, except that the microchip must be implanted before receiving the rabies vaccine. Otherwise, the vaccine will be invalid. Furthermore, the microchip number must be included on all required forms and supporting documents.

If the vaccination took place outside the USA, then upon arrival in the USA, the dog owner is also required to have a certificate of foreign vaccination against rabies and a microchip form.

Bearing in mind that these issues may initially seem quite problematic, we have prepared a table for you based on CDC guidelines, which will allow you to better understand the issue in question.

Please note that for high-risk countries, dogs may enter the US at any airport, seaport, or land border crossing as long as the port is consistent with the Transport Form receipt.

New guidelines for air carriers regarding the transport of dogs to the USA

From August 1, 2024, airlines wishing to continue their policy of transporting dogs to the USA are obliged to create a separate waybill (AWB) for each dog transported.[1] If for any reason, an airline is unable to create an AWB, it must apply for a dog transport permit by following the procedure available on the CDC website.[2] If airlines do not create an AWB or obtain an exemption, they cannot transport dogs as carry-on or checked baggage to the US.

In addition to the waybill, all Airlines must, among others: confirm all required documents before a dog board, it concerns all dogs, including assistance dogs (even those that have left the United States and are returning – regardless of the country from which arrive), forward all veterinary documentation regarding sick or dead animals to the CDC Port Health Station, assume responsibility and cover all financial costs related to the care, keeping and return of dogs abandoned by importers, return dogs refused entry to the country of departure within 72 hours from refusal. Airlines, on the other hand, do not have to contact the CDC to obtain approval before a dog boards a plane.

Jabłoński Koźmiński Law Firm provides advice in the field of aviation law, and its team has solid knowledge—supported by scientific and popularization publications—concerning the legal aspects of international transport. Should you have any questions or doubts regarding this issue, please feel free to contact us.

[1] Traveling with pets on Air France, Travel with your pet | Air France [dostęp: 25.07.2024 r.]; Zwierzę na pokładzie samolotu, Zwierzę na pokładzie samolotu | [dostęp: 25.07.2024 r.]; Reservation for pets, Flying with a dog or cat in the cabin or hold – KLM Poland [dostęp: 25.07.2024 r.].

[2] Zgubienie psa przez linie lotnicze a odszkodowanie ( [dostęp: 24.07.2024 r.].

[3] IATA – Live Animals Regulations (LAR) [dostęp: 24.07.2024 r.].

[4] From August 1, 2024, Onward: Information for Airlines on Dogs Being Imported into the U.S. | Importation | CDC [dostęp: 31.07.2024 r.].

[5] Ibidem

[6] Bringing a Dog into the U.S. | Importation | CDC [dostęp: 31.07.2024 r.].

[7] Pełny wykaz Informacji o statusie wścieklizny według podziału na poszczególne kraje dostępny jest na stronie:

[8] Formularz oraz wszelkie wytycznego dostępne są na stronie CDC pod adresem:

[9] Pełny wykaz państw wysokiego ryzyka w zakresie występowania wścieklizny u psów dostępny jest na stronie CDC pod adresem:

[10] From August 1, 2024, Onward: Information for Airlines on Dogs Being Imported into the U.S. | Importation | CDC [dostęp: 31.07.2024 r.].

[11] Pełna instrukcja zakresie złożenia wniosku o zezwolenie na przelot psa do USA dostępna jest na stronie CDC pod adresem:


Michał Walak
dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński
Attorney-at-law, Managing partner+48 602 359

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