Rzeczpospolita: dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński on the judgments of the Supreme Court regarding borrowers in Swiss Franc

dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński, prof. UW

On September 19, 2023 The Supreme Court issued three controversial judgments in cases with reference numbers: II CSKP 1110/22, II CSKP 1495/22 and II CSKP 1627/22, which aroused a lot of emotions among borrowers.

In the judgments discussed, the Supreme Court included, among others:

  • recreated the historical context of granting indexed/denominated loan agreements,
  • emphasized the controversies surrounding selected CJEU rulings and doubts regarding the correctness of their readings,
  • negates the ability of the CJEU to exclude the application of Polish statutory provisions that are in force and have binding force until they are repealed by the Polish legislator or the Constitutional Tribunal.

We encourage you to read the article by dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński – managing partner of the Jabłoński Koźmiński Law Firm, which appeared in Rzeczpospolita.

Read more: https://www.rp.pl/…/art39461601-krzysztof-kozminski…


dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński
Radca prawny, Partner zarządzający+48 602 359 329krzysztof.kozminski@jklaw.pl

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