We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all speakers and participants for their active involvement in the event. Your engagement and valuable contributions to the discussions made the conference a high-level platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience. The topics addressed gained a deeper legal and economic context thanks to your input.
The conference provided an excellent opportunity to understand the dynamic development of case law regarding Swiss franc loans and the challenges faced by both consumers and banks. The key issues discussed during the conference included:
- Historical context of Swiss franc loans
- Evolution of consumer protection in EU and domestic law
- Economic implications of case law and the realities of ongoing legal proceedings
- Settlement prospects
Publication in Rzeczpospolita Prawo
We are also pleased to inform you that an article titled “They Want to Cut Claims by Swiss Franc Borrowers. Is It Possible?” has been published in Rzeczpospolita Prawo. The article discusses the controversies surrounding the claims of Swiss franc borrowers against banks and explores potential scenarios for limiting these claims, which complements the discussion held during our event.
We thank you for your participation and encourage you to follow future events organised by the Legal and Economic Laboratory Foundation. We look forward to continued fruitful collaboration and furthering our knowledge in this rapidly evolving field.
The link to the article is available here.