Author: dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński

dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna: PiESEL as a legal bubble – article prepared by dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński

dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński

Ph.D. Krzysztof Kozminski participant in the 4th. rounds of the Panel of lawyers of the Rzeczpospolita daily newspaper

dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński

The latest volume of Studia Iuridica titled “Good law-making in Poland: problems and challenges” by the Managing Partners of Jabłoński Koźmiński & Partners Law Firm

dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński

Dziennik Gazeta Prawna: commentary by Dr. Krzysztof Kozminski on disciplinary violations and their impact on electoral processes at universities

dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński

European Judicial Review: the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union in franking credit cases – critical remarks by Dr. Krzysztof Koźmiński

dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński

Teleexpress Extra: Commentary by Dr. Krzysztof Kozminski on. Draft amendments to the Health Minister’s regulation on. ED

dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński

Parliamentary Members’ Proposal Amending the Trade Restrictions on Sundays, Public Holidays, and Certain Other Days Act and the Labor Code Act

dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński

Rzeczpospolita: The opinion of Dr. Krzysztof Kozminski on the establishment of a modern system for marking and registering dogs and cats

dr hab. Krzysztof Koźmiński

“The Future of Law” – XXV conference of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the UW with the participation of dr. hab. Krzysztof Kozminski and dr. Jan Rudnicki